The Integrative Action of the Nervous system
ISBN 9789393902726


Actinian, 109 254

Action-current of nerve, 58

Adaptation, 262

the cerebrum and, 312 312

Adapted reactions, reflexes as, 192 218 248 283 312

Adequate stimulus, 10 10 77 200 278

Affective tone, 190 208 214 217 258 264 267 269

Afferent arc, 6 46 91

After-discharge, 11 2029 43 61 87 87 233 234 310

After-image, 29 310

Aiptasis saxicola, 109 254

Albertoni, 221 321

Allbutt, Clifford, 61 323

Allied reflexes, 101 101113 120 140 235 280 286 287

All-or-nothing principle, 60 60

Alternating reflexes, 121 165168

Amesurus, 109 254

Anaesthetics, 11 68 70

Anderson, Langley and, 32 322

Anelective receptors, 187 256 258

Anger, 212 213

Anodon, 72

Antagonistic muscles, 71 165167 227231

Antagonistic reflexes, 113124 154157 168 169 188 235 261 286

Anthropoid apes, motor cortex of, 221227 234 235

Anthropomorphic interpretation, 194

Anticipatory reactions, 264269 278

Aorta, 86

Apáthy, 14 191

Arachne, 196

Arthropoda, 34 71 196 255

Asphyxia, 68 68

Associative recall, 267 268 283

Astacus, 72 90 196 205 239 266

Asterias, 196

Atrophy, 202

Atropin, 247

Attention, 192

Attitude, 245246 271277 282 ;

and see “Postural reflexes.”

Aubert, 300 301 302 304 318

Auerbach’s plexus, 53

Aurelia aurita, 141

Autonomic system (Langley), 257

Axis-cylinder, fluidity of, 12 13

Axones, 34

Babák, F., 326

Babuchin, 32 319

v. Baeyer, 11 68 326

Baglioni, S., 56 57 60 68 91 99 112 170 326 327

“Bahnung,” 11 145146 152 153

Ballance, C., 221

Barblets, 109 261

Barker, L. F., 324

Barometic pressure and sensation, 273

Bastian C., 202 220 318

Bayliss, W., 96 322

and Starling, 3 193 253 324

Beagle, 267

Beaunis, 318

Bee, 204

Beer, Th., 324

Beevor, C., 221 230 321 327

and Horsley, 221 225 226 235 321

Behavior of animals, 194

Bell, C., 32 220 232 317

Bell-Magendie law, 32 67

Belmondo, 119 321

Bergmann, 67

Bernard, C., 91

Bethe, A., 11 14 33 34 35 53 70 100 195 204 323 326 327

Bezold, A., 321

Bichat, 209 317

Bickel, A., 195 323 324

Biedermann, W., 7 25 60 68 72 90 151 324

Bile-duct, 8

Binocular brightness compared with uniocular, 299 301302

Binocular contrast compared with uniocular, 303304

Binocular flicker, 287308 ;

symmetrical, 292296 ;

asymmetrical, 296299

Binocular fusion, 287310

du Bois-Reymond, 13 31

R., 324

Bonnier, P., 275 275 325 327

Bottazzi, F., 327

Bowditch, H. P., 145

and Warren, 145 321

Bowlby, A., 202

Brachioplegia, 226

Brachiopod, 270

Brain, dominance of the, 249284

integration by the, 283284

relation to “distance-receptors,” 281284

organ for adaptation of reactions, 311313

Breuer, J., 86 318

Broca’s centre, 235 317

Brodmann, 227 33

Brondgeest, 246

Bruns, L., 202 322

Brunton, Lauder, 160 321

Bubnoff and Heidenhain, 145 227 228 320

Burch, Gotch and, 56 323

Cajal, Ramón y, 12 18 118 122 191 227 304 308 310

Campbell, A. W., 227 327

Carcinus, 12 196

Carlson, 327

Carmarina, 100

Cayrade, 318

Central sulcus, genua of, 224

Centrality, significance of, in the nervous system, 96 253254

Centres, rank of, 254

Cercopithecus callithrix, 240

Cerebellum, ganglion of proprio-ceptive system, 280280

Cerebral cortex, 145 220220 283283 287 308308

employs reciprocal innervation, 227227

genesis of, 281

inhibitory influence of, 227227

interrelation of the two hemispheres, 235235 236 309309

modifying reflexes, 248 311311

motor reactions of, compared with spinal, 235235 247247

reinforcing influence of, 145 145

“silent” fields of, 226 227

unequal motor representation in, 236236

Cerebral sulci, variability of, 222222

not functional boundaries, 222

Chauveau, A., 151 325

Chelae, 266

Chemo-receptors, 254 257 258 263 263

Chick, 268

Child, 208 210 269

Chimpanzee, motor cortex of, 221221

Chloroform, 68 70 96 207 227

Chordata, 259

Chromatolysis, 202

Cleghorn, A., 325

Clonic action, 54

in flexion-reflex, 2121 233

in scratch-reflex, 25 164 233

from cortex, 234

Clover-fly, 204

Coelenterate, 100

Combination of reflexes, simultaneous, 111 112 124124

successive, 148148

Cometula, 196

Common path, 46 253 259

principle of, 9898 192 252 278 282 310

final, 118 121 122 191 278 286 310

Common paths, profusion of, 121121

Comparative psychology, 249

Compensatory reflexes, 121 165 168168 176 272 275

“Complication,” 109 109 254 279 284

Conation, 267267

Conative feeling, 268268

Condensation of receptor distribution, 278

Conduction, 5 6

intracellular and intercellular, 3 12 13 14

in nerve-cell, 1 12

in nerve-trunks, 1 1010 67 68

in reflex-arc, 6 1111 28 29 67 68

reversible and irreversible, 11 14

speed of, 14 15

synaptic, 13 14

Conductor, 5 251

Conjunctival reflex, 195

Consummatory reactions, 266266

Contracture, 203 246 246

hemiplegic, 203 246 246

Contrast, 172 311

Coordination, contribution to, by receptor, 10

Coördination in the simple reflex, 6 2929

in the compound reflex, 9696

in the simultaneous compound reflex (reflex pattern) 125125

in the reflex sequence, 149149

Corda tympani, 72

Corneal reflex, 195

Cortex, cerebral, see “Cerebral cortex.”

Crayfish, 72 90 195 204 239 266

Croak-reflex, 8

Crossed extension-reflex of leg, 25 61 66 67 67 71 79 8484 92 102 107 114114 118 120 123 127 134 136 137 138 154154 170170 183 185 185

Crossed stepping-reflex, 154 156 185

Curare, 96

Cushing, H., 225

Cushny, A., 94

Cybulski and Zanietowski, 58 322

v. Cyon, 86 96 160 318

Darkness in visual field, 295295

Darwin, C., 8 192 204 210 212 247 319

Darwin and reflex purpose, 1 8 192 194 247

Decerebrate rigidity, 75 206 242242 273

Defaecation, 247

Degeneration, Wallerian, 14

method of successive, 4343

Deglutition, 57 87 149 151 260 263 266 269

Deiter’s nucleus, 277

Déjerine, 226

Demoor, J., 324

Dendrites, 32 34

Depressor nerve, 86 96

Descartes, 209 232 233 317

Diaphragm, 56 56 169

Diaschizis, 200

Differentiation and integration correlated, 277

Diffuse nervous system, 252252

Disgust, 213213

Distance-receptors, 247 262262 266 269269 313

the cerebrum the ganglion of, 281281 313

Disynaptic arc, 43

Donaldson, H., 121 122 127 269 324

Double-joint muscles, 90 95 230

Double-sign reflexes, 71 113 165

Duchenne, 134 319

Duval, 20

Earthworm, 151 265

Echinus, 95 254

Eckhard, C., 7

Edinger, L., 281 327

Edkins, J. S., 3 327

Effective threshold, 251

Effector, 5 251

Ehrlich, P., 119 191 193

Elasmobranch, 281

Emotional reaction, 208208

End-effect, 5

rhythm of, 11 3535

intensity of, 11 5858

End-plate, 45

Erb, 319

Esox, 264

Ewald, J. R., 169 202 273 322

Excitability, selective, 10

Exner, S., 12 15 74 105 112 145 149 227 231 319 320 322

“Extensor-thrust,” 5656 61 74 75 77 78 91 122 123 141 144 195 203

Extero-ceptive field, 109109 256256 263 275 278

Extero-reflexes, 109109 256256

Eyeball movements, 223 223 225 227227 231231 235 272 309 310

Eyelid-reflex, 37

Fano, 322 326

Fatigue, 11 176176

Fechner, 300 302 306 317

Fechner’s paradox, 302

Ferrier, D., 220 221 221 228 239 319 320 322

Fick, A., 58

Figure, reflex, 137137

Final common path, 46 9898 184 191

relatively indefatigable, 184

Flechsig, P., 226 227 227 319 327

Flexion-reflex, 15 1515 59 61 61 65 67 70 73 7474 87 88 9191 107 108 110 111 112 114 116116 120 123 124124 132132 135 137137 141 143 148 153 154154 163 167 168 170 170 175175 184 188 196 198 200 203 233 285 286

Flicker-sensation, binocular, 287287 ;

asymmetrical, 296296 ;

symmetrical, 292292 ;

alternate, 292292 299 305 ;

synchronous, 292292

Flicker-sensation, uniocular, 292292

Flourens, 220 317

Fly, 196 205

Focus of effect of a reflex, 125 126 196

Foster, M., 11 323

Franck, Fr, 15 74 321

Franz, 249

Fredericq, L., 196

Freusberg, 319

v. Frey, 10 10 186 322

Fritsch and Hitzig, 221 222 318

Frog, 8 108 149 196 196 204 205 261 264 265 267 274 276 276 281 283

Frohlich, A., 87 206 324 326 327

Gad, J., 32 320 321

and Joseph, 12 321

Gall-bladder, 8

Ganglia, antennary of Carcinus, 12

spinal, 11 259

sympathetic, 12 260

Gaskell, W. H., 160 160 161 263 320

van Gehuchten, 12 73 119

Gergens, 7 319

Gerlach, 128

Goldscheider, A., 13 130 324

Golgi, C., 119 128 191

Goltz, F., 3 7 8 123 184 189 195 197 198 208 214 216 318 320 322 323

Gorilla, motor cortex of, 221221

Gotch, F., 63 74 134 322 323 326

and Burch, G., 56 323

Grainger, 195 317

Grasshopper, 196 205

Gravity, as a stimulus, 256 294294

Gray-matter, nervous, 11 12 17 128 191191 260 305 ;

delay of conduction in, 1515

Grosser, O., 327

Grunbaum, A. F., 221 223 223 234 235 324

Grutzner, P., 77 319

Gustatory organs, 264

Hairs, 38 136 206 275

Hall, Marshall, 7 197 317

v. Haller, A., 8 317

Harris, 221 317

Harris, W., 327

Hartmann, 309

Hartwell, Newell Martin and, 142 320

Harvey, W., 191

Haycraft, J. B., 8 321

Head, H., 56 321

diaphragmatic slip, 56 56

Head, physiological conception of the, 270270

Heidenhain, R., 246 320

Bubnoff and, 145 227 228 320

v. Helmholtz, 15 323

Hemiplegic contracture, 203 246 246

Herbart, 109 254 317

Hering, E., 86 162 162 172 296 302 308 309 318 321

Hering, H. E., 91 204 228 230 230 322 323

Herrick, C. J., 109 254 261 326

“Higher” and “lower in regard to

organisms, 193 194

Hitzig, 222 225 318 327

and Fritsch, 220 221 318

Hofbauer, L., 323

Homarus, 266

Horsley, V., 221

Beevor, C., and, 225 226 235 321

Huber, C., 324

Hughlings-Jackson, 219 234 245 246 254 318 323

Hunt. Reid, 324

Hunter, J., 120 254

Hyde, Ida, 327

Hydra, 251

Immediate (or direct) spinal induction, 65 101101 152 153 310

Incremental reflex, 1717

Indifference between reflexes, 123123

Induction, spinal, immediate (or direct), 65 101101 152 153 310

successive (or indirect) 126 170170 311

Ingbert, 121 270 326

Inhibition, 11 21 54 7171 112112 133133 158158 198 264 295 312

J. S. Macdonald on, 162162

from cortex, 227227

of knee-jerk, 7474

reciprocal, 7171

Initial reflex, 18

Injury-current of nerve, 13

Insect, 270

Integration, by nervous agency, 2 2 249249

Intensity of reflex, grading of, 5858 78 125125 190190

Intensity of stimulus, 11 21 21 40 125 127

effect on refractory phase, 40

effect on fatigue, 179 181

effect on prepotence of reflex, 184184

Interaction of reflexes, 9696

partial, 120 120

Intercellular conduction, 3

Intercostal movement, 142

Interference between reflexes, 113113 119 123123 157157 164 191 252 252 312

reversible, 118 158158

Internal capsule, 228228 231

Internuncial paths, 99 121 121 265 266 277 281

Intero-ceptive field, 257257 259 260 263 278 278

Intestinal peristalsis, 253

Intracellular conduction, 3

Ion-proteid, 162 163 163

Irradiation, reflex, 125125 144144

Irreversible conduction, 11 14 3131

Jackson, Hughlings, 220 234 245 246 255 324

James, W., 32 210 211 215 309 320

“law of forward conduction,” 31 32

Jamin, 203

Jaw, innervation of movements of, 235235 239239

Jendrássik, 144 319

“Jerk” phenomena, 73 75 111 174 202 226 245 273

Johnston, 325

Joseph, Gad and, 12 321

Jurin, 300

Kalischer, 132 327

Ketten-reflexe (Loeb) 150 271

Kicking, 247

Kiesow, 186 327

Knee-jerk, 7373 111 173 202 226 244 272

“Knock-out” blow, 276

Kóster, and A. Tschermak, 86 96 325

Krause, 225

Kronecker, H., 37 87 151

and S. J. Meltzer, 84 151 242 319

and W. Stirling, 37 319

Kühne, W., 31

Labyrinth, 112 168 202 269 270 271271 280

Lacerta, 260

Ladd, G. T., 209 325

Lange, 211 211 215 321

Langelaan, J. W., 327

Langendorff, O., 78 281 319 322

Langley, 11 257 325

and H. K. Anderson, 32 321

Lans, Zwaardemaker and, 37 325

Laryngeal nerve, superior, 87

Laslett, E. E., 8 41 43 326

Latent period, 11 1515 78

Latzko and Sternherg, 208 327

Lauder Brunton, 160

Law of Bell and Magendie, 32 67

Law of forward direction of conduction (James), 31 32

Law of Talbot, 299 299 305 306

Laws of reflex-action, of Pfluger, 65 135135

Lee, F. S., 169 322

v Lenhóssek, 72 118

Lewandowsky, 203 246 281 326 327

Lewis, Mitchell and, 145 321

Lloyd Morgan, 195 215 218 268 314 323 325

Localization in motor cortex, 220220

“Local sign” in reflexes, 105105 203203

Lockjaw, 239239

Locomotion, 54 57 57 175 175 247 270270 277 282

and receptive range, 269269

Loeb, J., 149 169 271 324 325 326

Lombard, W., 145 321 321

Lotze, 192

“Lower” and “higher” as applied to organisms, 194194

Luciani, L., 221 246 281

Ludwig, C., 133

Lyon, 169 325 327

Macallum, A. B., 164 327

Macdonald, J. S., 13 56 162162 164 325 327

Macdougall, W, 165165 184 295 300 307 308 310 324 326 327

Macwilliam, J., 325

Magendie, 32 220 317

Magnus, R., 53 325 327

Malapterurus, 32 56 63

Man, motor cortex of, 224

Mann, 246 322

Mann, G., 221

March of spinal and cortical reaction, 234

Marey, E., 37 319

Mark time reflex, 172172

Martin, Newell, 142 320

“Material me,” 262

May, Page, 324

Median line, reflexes of, 261

Median sagittal plane, relation of cortical reactions to, 234 309309

Medusa, 14 3232 37 41 4747 58 141 204 204 253

Meltzer, S, J., 84 150 319 323

and Kronecker, H., 242 320

Membrane at cell-junctions, 13 13

Membrane, synaptic, 35

Memory, 188 267 268 283

Mendelsohn, M., 324

Merzbacher, L., 60 324

Mesencephalo spinal path, 266 267

Metamerism, 254254 259 260 277 278

Milieu interne, 3

Mimetic movement, 284284

Minimum visibile, 153

Mislawski, 170 325

Mitchell and Lewis, 145 321

v. Monakow, 45 116 200 222 227 326

Monkey, hand of, 266

Monti, 20

Moore, B., and Reynolds, 12 324

Morgan, Lloyd, 195 215 218 268 314 323 325

Mosso, A., 151 319

Moth, 264

Motor area of cerebral cortex, 220220 309 310 313

Motor neurone, 46 251

Mott, F. W., 221 227 228 235 266 310 312 321 327

and Schafer, E. A., 228 234

Muller, J., 304 308 317

Munk, H., 221 320 321

and Obregia, 228 321

Munzer and Wiener, 322 326

Muskens, 169 327

Mustelus, 266

Nagel, W., 14 109 169 254 322

Nansen, F., 73 321

Nerve-net, 3232 52 254

Neuroglia, 11

Neuromuscular cells, 251

Neurone, motor, 46 118 119

threshold, 13 130 131

Neurones, amoeboid movement of, 18

Neutrality of reflexes, 123 123 234 235 248

Newell, Martin, 142 320

Newton, 1 304 317

Nicotin, 11 12

Nissl, 202

Noci-ceptive reflexes, 77 186186 203 206206 261 267267 278

Noci-ceptors, 10 185185 257 266 278

Nothnagel, 55 208 318

Obregia, Munk and, 228 321

Oddi, 119 321

Oesophageal reflex, 151

Oestrum, 214

Oldag, 78 322

Olfacto-phrenic arc, 282

Opening of mouth, 206 239239

Ophioglypha, 95

Optic chiasma, 304 308

Optic nerve, 58 122 270

Orang-outang, motor cortex of, 221221

Otocyst, 140 141 270 270 271 272 274 276

Ott, I., 320

Oxygen, 11 68

Pain-endings, 185185 258

Pain nerves, 186186 206 206

path in spinal cord, 205205

skin, 184184

visceral, 8

Pallio spinal path, 266 267

Paneth, 221

Panum, 308

Parallelism of ocular axes, 283 309 310

Paralysis, after cortical lesion, 225 226

Parasites, 53 152 195

Pari, G., 60

Parker, G. H., 108 326

Path, final common, 9898

Path, principle of the common, 9898 252

private, 97 98

Pattern, reflex, 137137

Pawlow, J., 327

Perceptual image, 279 287 287

Perikarya, 11 12 17 70 70

Permeability of synaptic membrane, 35

Perspective figures, 142

Pflüger, E., 65 134 192 317

Pflüger’s laws, 65 135135

Philippson, 56 195 326 327

Photo-receptors, 261 269 272 279

Phrenic neurones, 200

Phrenic reflex, 169

Pigeon, 276

Pilomotor nerves, 212

Pinna-reflex, 8 77

Piotrowsky, 72 88 321

Pluricellular conductor, 32

Plurireceptive summation, 104104 251 252

Plurisegmental discharge, 133

Plurisegmental integration, 254 256 277 278

Polarized conduction, 32

Polimanti, O., 322

Porter, Townsend, 200 323

Post-central convolution, 222222 225 227 266

Postural reflexes, 169 189 190 272272

Postures, segmental and total, 264 275275 278 278

Poteriodendron, 5 251

Pouting, 208

Pre-central convolution, 222222

Precurrent reactions, 264 266266

Prepotent reflexes, 184 188188 259

Prevalence of contours, 295 303 307

Principle of the common path, 9898 191 252 279 282 310

Principle of competition for energy (Macdougall) 166166 296

Proprio-ceptive field, 109 110 169 169 256 257 259 260 271271 279279

Proprio-ceptive reflexes, 109109 169 247 256 257 259

Proprio-ceptive system, 271271 280280

includes labyrinth, 271271

Proprio-ceptors, 109 110 259 271271

Proprio-spinal nerve-tracts, 4343

Pseudaffective reflexes, 205205

Psycho-physical parallelism, 311

Pulmono-phrenic arc, 282

Purpose in reflexes, 192192 247

Purring, 208

Pyramidal tract, 266 267

Ramon y Cajal, 12 20 73 119 122 191 227 304 309 310

Reception, 5 77 251 251 256 257 258 261 262

Receptive fields, 37 77 105105 131 133 144 256256

extero-ceptive, 109 110 257257 259 260 260 276

intero-ceptive, 257 257

Receptive fields, proprio-ceptive, 109 109 168 169 256 257 259 260 271271 280280

of extensor-thrust, 107

of flexion-reflex, 75 77 108 110 111

of scratch-reflex, 37 102 105 108 110 111

not identical with spinal root fields, 144

Receptive range, 269 269

Receptor, 5 7 10 37 51 251 251 254 258 258 261 270 271 279

a factor in co-ordination, 10

Receptors, classification of, 258258

distance, 248 262262 266 269269 313

species of, 77 109 110 185185 258258

symmetrical, 125 261

Reciprocal inhibition, 7171

Reciprocal innervation, 71 71 7575 133

and cerebral cortex, 227227

and muscular tonus, 246 247

Reflex, the simple, 5 66 ;

an attificial abstraction, 96 97

compound, 7 9696

Reflex action, defined, 4

subjection to “volition,” 243 312 313

Reflex-arc, 5 37 4141 130 249249 259 260

the primitive, 249249

Reflex attitude, see “Posture.”

Reflexes, abdominal, 137

adequate stimuli for, 77

after-discharge of, 25 25 43 61 8787 233 310

allied, 101101 139 235 251 286

alternating, 121 165165

antagonistic, 113113 154154 169 188 235 251 252 286

as adapted reactions, 192192 248

chain, 151

compensatory, 121 165 168168 176 272 275

croak, 8

crossed extension, see “Crossed extension reflex”

of double sign, 71 113 164

extensor thrust, see “Extensor-thrust.”

eyehd, 37

figure, 137137

flexion, see “Flexion-reflex.”

focus of effect of, 125 127 196

incremental, 1818

initial, 18

intensity of, see “Intensity of reflex.”

latency of, 11 1414 78

Reflexes, long, 131131 277

mark-time, 172172

neutrality of, 122 123 234 240 247

noci-ceptive, 185185 203 206206 260 266266

pattern of, 137137

pinna, 8 77

postural, 168 189 190 272272

refractory phase in, 11 3636 113 113

rhythmic, 29 3737 114

rhythm of discharge in, 3535 114 116

scratch, see “Scratch reflex.”

sequence, of, 148148

sexual, 189

shake, 137 196

short, 131131 260 277

stepping, 55 56 172172

swallowing, 57 84 149 150 261 264 266 269

tail, 166 172 173 184 261

tonic, 190 244244 273273 280

torticollis, 136

type, 15 54 107

union of, 279 285 286

vasomotor, 8 260

visceral, 8 257257 260 261 269

whisker, 135 275

Refractory phase in reflexes, 11 3636 112 113

Reinforcement, reflex, 144144

Reissner fibre, 266

Renaut, 20

Resistance, spinal, 93 128128

Respiratory regulation, 169 280 313

Restriction of distribution a factor in integration, 279279

Retrogradation, 217

Reynolds and B. Moore, 12 324

Rhizostoma, 33 51

Rhythmic reflexes, 29 3737

Rhythmic response from cortex, 239

Rhythmic response in reflexes, 3535

Richet, C., 29 72 90 320

Rigor mortis, rapidity of onset of, 273

Rohault, 304 317

Romanes, 14 32 34 37 52 100 140 141 204 204 319

Röntgen rays, 256

Rosenthal, I., 160 317 323

Rotating lantern, 288288

Rothmann, 327

van Rynberk, 327

Salamonsen, J., 324

Sargent, P., 327

Schafer, E. A., 35 70 221 222 227 304 319 321

Mott, F. W., and, 228 235

Schalt-zellen (v. Monakow), 45 116

Schloesser, 320

Schopenhauer, 208

Schreiber, 320

Scratch-reflex, 8 15 25 29 3737 59 60 63 65 65 67 77 87 101 101101 110 113113 119 120 121 123 136 143 148 150 151 153153 164 175 176 177177 195 196 200 200 203 233

Seemann, J., 326

Segment, nervous integration of the, 259259

Segmental arrangement of nervous system, 255255

of motor cortex, 225

Segmental postures, 264 275275 278 278

Segmental reflexes, 169 189 190 272272

Segments, neural integration of series of, 254254 277 278

leading, 261261

Selachian, 267

Selective excitability, 10 187 256 257

Self-regulation of respiratory arcs, 86

Semicircular canals, 272272

Sensation, projicience of, 262 263 268 276 314

Sensitivity of viscera, 8 8 257

Sensual fusion, 287287

Sensual “objects,” 279 287

Sensual percept, 280 287

Separation of cells, 12 251

Sergi, 211 322 323

Setschenow, 29 55 317 318

Sexual reflexes, 189 264

Shake-reflex, 137 195

Shock, spinal, 11 125 197197 283

Siluroid fishes, 109

Simia satyrus, motor cortex of, 222 224224

Simple reflex, 55

Simultaneous combination of reflexes, 125125

Skeletal muscles, tonus of, 246 273273

Smith-Kastner, 317

Snarling, 206 208

Sowton, S. C. M., 68 70 327

Spallanzani, 189 317

Species of reflex, effect on prepotence, 186186

Spencer, Herbert, 210 277 281 320

Spinal induction, immediate (or direct), 65 101101 152 153 310

successive (or indirect), 127 170170 311

Spinal nerve-root, afferent, 72 141 144 205 244 258 259

efferent, 258 259

Spinal nerve-root, co-ordination and the, 141141 205 314

Splanchnic, 87 146

Spode, 320

“Spontaneous” reflex, 128 170 172

Stannius, 91

Starling, E. H., Bayliss and, 3 193 253 324

Stefani, 246

Steinach, E., 7 11 323

Stepping-reflex, 5454 172172

Sternberg, M., 111 145 322

Latzko and, 208 327

Stewart, C., 325

Stimulus, adequate, 10 10 77

efficacy of electrical, 10 187

intensity of, 11 21 25 184184 190

mass as a, 256

nocuous, 10 77 185185 203 206206 260 266266

“object” as a, 279 287

prolongation of, 25 266

threshold value of, 10 172 261261

Stirling, W., 29 31 78 319

with H. Kronecker, 37

Storey, A., 327

Strychnine, 60 9090 112 128 133 134 143 237237 245

Sulcus centralts, genua of, 224

Summation, 11 2929 77 78 101 113 252252 279 285 286

Swallowing, 57 84 149 150 261 264 266 269

Swinton, 195 204 320

Sympathetic system, 257

Synapse, 13 14 17 18 20 35 260

setting of the, 18 118 119 260

different kinds of, 242

different resistances at, 130 130

an instrument of co-ordination, 118 118 251 252 260 265 282

Synaptic conduction, 13 14 34 118118 128128

Synaptic membrane, 13 13 35 119119

Synaptic nervous system, 252252

Syncytia, 12

Synergy, 146146

Tail, 166 172 173 184 261

Talbot’s law, 299 299 305 306

Tamburini, 221

Tango-receptors, 258 260 270 275

Teleology and physiology, I, 192192 247

Tetanus toxin, 9393 134 237237 245

Thorndike, 248

Threshold, effective, 251

selective, 185 187 257 258

variability of, 11 30

Threshold, of neurone, 130 130

Threshold-stimulus, 8 251 251

Tiaropsis indicans, 100 204 205

Tonic reflexes, 190 244244 272272 280

as basis of attitude, 274274 280

Tonus-labyrinth, 112 200 271271

Tonus, reflex, of skeletal muscles, 73 74 74 244244 272272

Topolanski, 231 323

Torpedo, 63

Tortoise, 196 263

Touch-spots, 189 262

Traube, 317

Trauma, as a stimulus, 198198

Tremor, 177

Trismus, 239239

Troglodytes gorilla, motor cortex of, 221221 234

Troglodytes niger, motor cortex of, 221221 234 235

Tschermak, A., 86 96 165 193 227 266 308 324 327

and Koster, 84 96 325

Tschiriew, 319

Tunicate, 52 184

v. Uexkull, 95 248 254 323 324

Unity of a motor centre, 6565

Uspensky, 119 318

Vagi, 212 215 232

Valerius, 300 301 319

Vasomotor reflexes, 197197 211 211 215 260

Vertebrate, 52 58 71 255 259 271

Verworn, M., 2 11 68 87 119 162 251 323 324 326

Vibrissae, 135 206 263 275

Viscera, sensitivity of, 8 8

reflexes from, 58 254 260

Visceral field, 257257 283

Vocalization, reflex, 206 207 209

Vogt, 227

Volkmann, 233 317

Vorticella, 5 251 251

Waller, A. D., 58 68 74 321 323

Wallerian degeneration, 14

Walton, 60 320

Ward, J., 204 320

Warren, Bowditch and, 145 321

Warrington, W. B., 257 327

Wasp-larvae, 267

Weber, E. H., 233 303 306 317

Weber-Fechner rule, 303 306

Wernicke, 246

Westphal, 74 321

Whiskers, 135 206 263 275

White rami of sympathetic system, 257

Whytt, R., 197

Wiener and Münzer, 322 326

“Willed” movements, 231 232 248 311311

Winckler, 324

Winslow, 134

Winterstein, 11

Wollaston, 304 317

Woodworth, R. S., 206 207 239 326 327

Wundt, 12 25 60 160 165 246 319 320

Yerkes, R. M., 249 325 326 327

Zanietowski and Cybulski, 58 322

Ziehen, 308 326

Zwaardemaker, 57 104 151 325 327

and Lans, 37 323